Brooke O'Brien

Innovative Brand Marketer and Storyteller

My Experience

Marketing Manager | Health eCareers

Lead marketing and develop strategy for acquisition and retention of healthcare professionals for SHIFT by Health eCareers, a job site for temporary and part-time healthcare work. Manage targeted specialty marketing campaigns for Health eCareers, integrating display advertising, social media, paid search, SEO, content, email and event marketing. Continuously test and optimize on-site design and user experience.

June 2017 - present

Associate Marketing Manager | Health eCareers

Managed marketing campaigns for top 10 healthcare specialties and SHIFT brand, integrating display advertising, social media, PPC, SEO optimization, content, email marketing & referral programs to acquire more job seeker profiles and applies. Led all Health eCareers multivariate site testing efforts with Optimizely, including ideation sessions, roadmaping and executing tests. Worked efficiently with the product team to implement successful changes on the site.

February 2016 - June 2017

Marketing Coordinator | Health eCareers

Created video, blog and social media content, led testing efforts on site to optimize for higher conversion rates, ran company and association events, assisted with search engine marketing and managed quarterly competitive analysis.

February 2015 - February 2016

Marketing Manager | Kubmo

Lead all brand marketing, social media, and video efforts for the startup. Create and teach marketing and tech workshops for women in rural settings.

March 2013 - present

Content Manager | Vertivine

Managed social media, content and SEO strategies and implementation for 10+ e-commerce and restaurant brands.

April 2014 - February 2015

Community Manager | Karsh Hagan

Managed the Communities Team, responsible for the agency's social media, public relations & blogging efforts, and the Karshenanigans Team, responsible for planning company events.

October 2013 - April 2014

My Photos

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